New Members and Renewals

For all first-time Members, Nippers, Cadets or Adults click here.

To renew your membership click here.
To join or for step by step instructions to renew click here for an individual or click here for a family.

Membership Fees 2024/25

CategoryFee Payable
Life Membership (LM)No Fee
Non-competing members who patrolled last season regardless of category (must be on the 24/25 season roster) – see Note 1No Fee this Season
Distinguished Service Member (renew and pay before Oct 31)$50
Long Service (renew and pay before Oct 31)$50
Active Reserve (renew and pay before Oct 31)$50
Active and Award Member (renew and pay before Oct 31)$50
Associate (renew and pay before Oct 31)$50
Any category over 60 years (except PO and LM) – (renew and pay before 31 October)$25
Nipper Parent/Guardian (General Members)$50
Competition Levy Seniors – all senior members competing – see Note 2No Fee this Season
Competition Levy Nippers – U9-14 Nippers – see Note 1No Fee this Season
Gym Levy – additional levy for non-competing members entitled to use the gym who have less than 25 patrol hours last season– Note 3$50
  • Note 1 – The Club received a grant this Season which we are using to assist patrolling members with their fees. Any non–competing member who completed a patrol last season (regardless of membership category) will not be required to pay membership fees this season. The only condition is that they must be rostered on a patrol (including LS patrols) this season. Competing members will be required to pay membership fees but not the competition levy.
  • Note 2 – Competition Levy will be waived for all competitors this season.
  • Note 3 – Gym Levy applies to all members who are entitled to use the gym and are not competing or have completed less than 25 patrol hours in the previous patrol season. Only members who are competing, patrolling or contributing to the Club are entitled to use the gym. It is not a commercial gym.
  • Note 4 – Members who attain the age of 60 years before 1 October will be eligible to pay the reduced fee.
  • Note 5 – On 31 October, SLSA will automatically archive every member who has not renewed. Senior Members who renew after that date will be required to pay an additional $50 administration fee. This does not apply to Nipper categories or new members.
  • Note 6 – Minimum membership for Nippers is 1 Nipper plus 1 parent/guardian. New Nippers must provide proof of age prior to membership being accepted. The Club accepts Active Kids Vouchers

Payment Options


Payment via Credit Card using the SLSA Payment Gateway after renewing/joining.


Bank: Westpac Dee Why
Account name: Collaroy SLSC
BSB: 032 192
Account Number: 260 208
Reference: please enter your surname


Made payable to : “Collaroy SLSC”
Send to : Attention Registrar, Collaroy Surf Life Saving Club, P.O. Box 18, Collaroy Beach, NSW 2097.
Please write surname on back of cheque.

Credit Card/EFTPOS

Payments can be made on registration days or at the bar when it is open.

Please make sure you provide your details to the Bar Staff and complete a form if you have not renewed online.

Active Kids Vouchers

Please provide the Voucher Number, Child’s Name and DOB to


  • Members can apply to join or renew on line through the SLSA Members’ Area. This is the preferred option and needs to be finalised before 31 October.
  • Members can complete a membership form and email it to or post it to Collaroy SLSC (Att. Registrar) PO Box 18 Collaroy 2097.
  • A link to a pre-filled membership form will be emailed out to current members who have not renewed in the first week of September and the first week of October. These links will only be valid for 30 days. This form should be checked, signed and either emailed or posted back to the Registrar.
  • Membership can only be renewed online or by completing a membership form plus the relevant payment.
  • Membership cannot by processed until both payment and an application are received.